Caturday Art & CK’s Meme

We are pawticipating In Athena’s Caturday Art!
Click the button to see more of the wonderful Art!


Mommy took this picture of me when I was telling her jokes. And we thought it would make a great painting. We did some Photoshopping and some Lunapic-ing and some more Photoshopping and here is the result!


Mommy says I look pawsitivly STUNNING! Just like our Furrend CK!


Speaking of Stunning Keisha she posted this Meme from facebook and answered it on her blog. And because I –  Marvelous – missed commenting on the Friday Fill-Ins as Mommy went to bed early last night. We did not even read comments until today. If you want to read her answers, you can click here!

This one is supposed to be answered with just one word. I actually tried to follow the rules but some answers have more words!

1. Where is your cell phone? Coffee Table (its my Mom’s)
2. Your hair? Multi-Brown
3. Your dad? Who?
4. Your mom? Human
5. Your favorite food? Chicken
6. Your dream last night? Catching Burds!
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Fear? People
9. Favorite shoes? Sneakers (Mom’s)
10. Favorite way to relax? Burd watching
11. Your mood? Happy
12. Your home away from home? Home
13. Where were you last night? Bed
14. Something that you aren’t? Dog
15. Muffins? Banana
16. Wish list item? Live Burd
17. Where you grew up? Tehran
18. Last thing you did? Played fetch with Ratty
19. Favorite thing to do? Play fetch with Ratty
20. Your TV? Burd!
21. Your pets? Head Skritches
22. Friends? Cats
23. Your life? Exciting
24. Missing someone? Nellie
25. Something that you are? Funny

This was fun! I hope we get to do it again!!



27 thoughts on “Caturday Art & CK’s Meme

  1. I loved your answers, Marv! And you were a good kitty and tried your best to answer with one word. I am more of a typical kitty, who thinks rules are meant to be broken.


  2. Hi Marv! We love your artsy photo – it shows off your fabulous smile very well. We think you did a great job with CK’s meme too………! Hope you and your Mommy have a quiet weekend together.

    Love, Teddy


  3. Great answers Marv. The mom had a good giggle. And the art is fantastic too. You all have a fantastic day.


  4. You are quite stunning Marv. I liked learning more about you. I notice a bird theme here, don’t let the Trout Towne Tabbies see that 🙂


  5. Yes, yes, Marv, there will be more! Thanks for participating and giving such wonderful answers. I loved learning about you. Hope the Tabbies don’t read your answers. Lots of burds. Love your art this week.


  6. The fill-ins are open all weekend. Some join in then. You do it when you want to, and are welcome always! Good answers here. You are so adorable, Marv. I love that face. I wish you were closer to play with the minions. xo


  7. Marv you want my Cat-pinion? Dear one you could be neeekkkked as a jaybird in b&w and still be super duper handsome and gorgeous! Love all your artsy-ness and your factiods. Mom and I are doing those 25 factiods next week
    Hugs madi your bfff


  8. Oh Marvelous!
    Mes LOVE the art Mommy has made of yous! Mes has stopped by to leave the beauteous Katie Isabella’s note for yous. Then mes must run to Midway and tells Kozom she has talked about him in her blog today!
    Marv! I loved your answers! I wonder f I could do that meme too? You are so much a wonderful part of your mommy’s life and world. She is of YOURS too. You two are a prefect match. XXXXXXX
    Sending yous many Kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie


  9. I popped over from C.K.’s blog. Interesting answers. You’r the first kitty (or dog) I’ve met who’s from Tehran. I’m glad you found a forever home in Canada. I did this list earlier this week but didn’t know they were supposed to be one-word answers. Oops!


  10. Marv, that’s some awesome artwork you and Mommy made. And we love your answers to those fill-ins, especially the one about Nellie. We sure do miss her, too.



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