Sparks with Nellie


This cartoon makes Mommy laugh…and when Mom is happy, we are happy. Right now, Marv is holding Mom down. She tooked Sunday off…to cleans the townhouse and to buys groceries and cat foods and litter and to vacuums up the dust bunnies. Some of them is getting quite aggressive!


Mes has a great Spark this week!


AND in other news…


Marv has joined the Tabby Cat Club! Today is Tabby Cat Day and Marv is pawticipating!


“I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!”

Sparks Badge

Mes, Nellie Bellie  believes this too!

And we are at Awe Mondays at Comedy Plus



28 thoughts on “Sparks with Nellie

  1. Hari OM
    OMC, having reached Z today, the last thing I need reminding is that we can start back at A!!! It has been a long month – but your mama knows all about that. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx


  2. Marv that dust bunny looks SCARY! We have a few of those hiding under things here too. Concatulations on joining the Tabby Cat Club – we are so happy to have you AND for celebrating Tabbies EVERY day including today. See you there! The cartoon is funny and I can see why your Mom can identify with it for sure considering her work……..tee hee………

    Hugs, Teddy


  3. I am really scared of Dust Bunnies now…that one is REALLY fierce!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


  4. That was a very funny joke. It made the Mom laugh out loud. That is some dust bunny. And Marv, that is one terrific spark. You all have a marvelous day.


  5. I’m glad the mom got thing fixed up for you. That dust bunny looks mighty dangerous. I can’t wait for mommy to have this project done so she can enjoy life a bit more.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. My best to your hard working mom. ♥


  6. Nellie, that is a great Spark. Mom likes that she has more than two choices if what she’s planning doesn’t work out. Sawyer and Cooper Murphy are fairly new members of TCC, and they are excited that Marv has joined as well. We call those dust thingies “dust rhinos” cause with eight cats they ca ge’t pretty big. That one at your house sure is scary. Hope your mom vacuumed up him and his friends! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. Whew–found you! At first we could only find your google plus!

    Love you, Nellie Bellie! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO from Me, Spitty cause this makes it look like it’s the stoopy Human typing. We are just a mess over here

    Marv, Buddy! I’m so out of it I dunno is this is your blog now? We are real, real, REAL stoopy about stuff. But I figure you’ll prolly see this? I do not unnerstand Google plus or Google minus neither. But listen: Lady cats is not on the list, because seriously, I do not need the Human’s help with the ladycats!!! I can handle that all on my own! Ha ha ha ha


  8. Love that dust monster! And that quote about the alphabet is great, too. The Spanish alphabet has a few extra letters, too. ~grin~ Be well!


  9. Oh my, you DO have a wonderful Spark today! Could be the epitome of optimism! Thanks for sharing. I need to go now and form more alternative plans. 🙂


  10. That is a scary dust bunny! I very often get to plan C or D but it is good to know there are many more to go.


  11. Nellie, we loved that spark. You are so, so wise! As for that dust bunny … yikes!


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