Nellie’s Spark about Cooking

Mes been helping Mommy set up a blog post on her old blog today.  She had NOT posted there for 2  whole years!!! Well, she made Fig Jam and mes figured she should post about it like she used to. Mes thinks that yous will likes it!
Click the bear to goes to Sxanuxa Speaks to reads about jam!


Now peoples always complains about Jam, they think there is too much sugar in it… Sugar does a whole bunch more than make your jam sweet. Its main function is to works with the pectin and fruit acids to MAKES the gel structure wes calls jam. Sugar acts as a preservative that helps maintain the beautiful color of the fruit and inhibits mold growth.

And yous knows, there really is not a whole lot of calories in a tablespoonful of jam (there is usually 50 calories) and a whole tablespoon will does 2 pieces of toast! With plain yogurt, it add less calories than the stuff they put in to make it fruity. And with homemade, yous knows there is no other junk in there! Which leads mes to this….


Its chicken and feta and diced tomatoes and whole wheat french bread and olives and home made fig jam!

McGuffy’s who was hosting the Sparks is on hiatus,  mes is going to keeps posting them anyway!  She says “I truly do believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. There is hope. Together, we can light up the entire world!

Sparks Badge


Oh! Oh! Mommy say making this jam was Easy Peasy…

OOPS! We forgot Awwww Monday!

Today, Ninja is at Awww Mondays at Comedy Plus


Can you guess – he’s HOT!







18 thoughts on “Nellie’s Spark about Cooking

  1. The open sandwich looks delicious. I have got the chicken, Feta, olives and French bread but no fig jam! I saw in your recipe that the figs are green. Here in the shops they are a purplish black colour which I assume is a different variety. Would it make a difference?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That chicken dish looks absolutely delicious…….and the fig jam – thanks for such wonderfully detailed instructions. One of these days I’m going to roll up my sleeves and TRY THIS!

    Love, Pam


  3. That sandwich looks good. I love to make jams and jellies, I made one of your mom;s recipes once for wine jelly and it was great. I love your spark! I am sad to say I am cheap and easy 🙂 XO


  4. That looks mighty good. I took a small bite and it was really good.

    Ninja is a good looking kitty and I agree that it’s hot. It’s hot here too.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. My best to your peeps. ♥


  5. That sandwich sure looks good. I was already hungry so now I am really starved. I am going to try that. Ninja, that is one good way to cool off. You all have a fantastic evening.


  6. That “samwich” looks so yummy to our mom. Just hand over the chicken to us and no one will get hurt! Great Spark. Love Queen Nellie’s photo in the corner! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. Oh Oh! I posted that I wished this could be made without sugar on your other site, before I read this one, MOL,MOL!
    But…I am not supposed to have any kind of refined sugars. Maybe honey or maple syrup or even coconut sugar…if they are raw and unprocessed.


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