Sparks with Nellie

Mes has been thinking about life. Right now Mommy is tired and stressed. Some stress is good, but everybody needs to has ways to relax when theys feel utterly overwhelmed and overextended. Mes and Marv has come up with 5 things for our Mommy to does evfurry day to helps with her stress.

  1. Listen to her favorite music when she is working and to pretend like she has never heard it before!
  2. Hug someone for 30 seconds…Yay, Oxytocin!!! (Marv is good for this!)
  3. Takes pictures of things she loves! Then looks at them on her phone at work when she gets nutso.
  4. Deep Breaths! Yes 3 deep breaths can calms yous when yous is spinning.
  5. Does a random act of kindness. Making someone else smile makes yous feel better too.

What does yous think peoples should do? Does yous has suggestions?


“I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!”

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Mes, Nellie Bellie  believes this too!

And we are at Awe Mondays at Comedy Plus






26 thoughts on “Sparks with Nellie

  1. Hari Om
    those are five great things and nothing to offer that would improve on them! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx


  2. It is good stress relief to sit here and see pictures of you, Angel Nellie!

    We practice things like your Mom wrote at my work…cause evfurry day is stressful there…nursing hoes can be like that..then she comes home and there we are waiting for our hug:


  3. You are so wise Nellie! You have such good advice for your Mommy AND for everyone. My Mom gives me a big hug sometimes when she feels out of sorts or stressed out and she says I am her favorite medicine (!!). You are still giving us such great advice even though you are now an Angel – Mom and I thank you for that and send you hugs of HAPPINESS for that gift you give us all.

    Love, Teddy


  4. Oh yes, those are pawfect ways to helps the stress thingy, especially the hugging one…well, unless its time fur my dinner bowl when any delay will just stress me more!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


  5. Oh Nelllie, that is such a good picture of you. We also love your spark and all those great ideas of what to try when one is stressed. You all have a great day. It is raining so much here, Mom is going out to get the ark going again. You all have a great day.


  6. Thanks for this spark, Nellie! It is just what I needed this morning. I also like to exercise to handle stress. About 20 minutes of activity, usually just walking the dog, can make me feel like a new person. 🙂


  7. Your mommy has the best idea of what to do. Mine has to work on that too. I serve as medicine because I get a buncha kisses and hugs as log as I will stand still long enough to get them Mom always smiles when she’s giving me..oops…TAKING medicine in hugs and smoochies…from me.


  8. Those are indeed five wonderful things. You’re most wise.

    I love your Sparks too.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday filled with wonderful Sparks. ♥


  9. Those are very good suggestions for your Mommy. I hope they help her relax.


  10. Those are great ways to stay calm. I love your Spark Nellie and seeing beautiful photos of you. XO


  11. Wise words! I quoted part of that with my very first Sparks post. I believe this with all of my heart. thank you. It has been crazy here, too. But, I am trying to just get to the point of balance. It is hard. Chloe Jo is not well. I am struggling with my health and hers, too. HUGS.


  12. Nellie Bellie, this is so true. Peeps need to unload their stress. It seems to build up until they don’t focus well. I can suggest one other way to relieve stress. Pet your kitty, it is relaxing and feels soft. Your blood pressure will go down, you’ll relax and your kitty will purr with hapiness.



  13. Great list! TW should remember these. She’s always high stressed at everything. Pop says life stresses her out. At least our Music Mondays are giving her an opportunity to listen to some music again and still feel like she’s working.


  14. Being kind to someone else always makes my day! Even when the young guy at Burger King gets my order wrong and undercharges me by 50 cents and I’m on my way to an appointment I felt good taking the extra time to help him get it straightened out on the cash register.
    Everyone needs a little compassion and help sometimes and it just feels good to be honest and to help others!


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