Nellie’s Spark(les)

Each day we meet new peoples…we buy or gets new stuffs…we make new memories… experience new feelings…

But wes has to thinks about time. We expect all of this to last. But things change…yous moves…other peoples moves…each day brings changes into our lives…

Mes LOVES catnip…my Family…my heated bed…Spitty the Kitty…Katie Isabella…Speedy the House Bunny…and you my furrend….now these things is MEMORIES!!!


Mes KNOWS that everyone is holding mes in their hearts and is still loving me and mes is holding everyone in my heart and loves everyone and that LOVE will last forever.

Me and Kali and Shoko having a dream of a time

Right now my protegee Shoko (of the Canadian Cats) is hurting. Her companion Kali is here with us over the bridge and she is missing Kali so very much. Shoko, wes LOVES you and THAT WILL LAST FOREVER!

“I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!”

Sparks Badge

Mes, Nellie Bellie  believes this too!

Thanks yous all at McGuffy’s! Yous can CLICK HERE to see all the other SPARKS!!!


And we are at Awe Mondays at Comedy Plus






36 thoughts on “Nellie’s Spark(les)

  1. Oh Nellie, that is such a fantastic Spark. Thanks for that and it is so true. We sure hope all of you have a terrific day. Take good care.


    1. Dearest Marg,
      Mes ALWAYS has the bestest days now! Me LOVES to spread LOVE and Joy and mes works hard at it evfurry day!
      Many Many Nellie Kisses
      Your Nellie Bellie


  2. What a sweet and oh-so-true Spark this morning Nellie. I know that you are teaching Kali how to make sure Shoko knows she is NOT alone. It’s a sad thing when one kitty has to grieve losing her bestie……you are such a special girl. Please tell Angel Sammy I send him a hug and please let him hug YOU for me too! ❤

    Love, Teddy


    1. Teddy darling! Yous is growing so big! Mes has to tells yous…mes and Sammy spends loads and loads of time together. Wes watches out for our and each other’s loved ones and wes LOVES to lay together in the sun puddles!
      Many Nellie Kisses for yous and your Mom
      Your Nellie Bellie


  3. Miss Nellie, could we ask you to watch out for our Sei-Chan? We know she must be with the other Rainbow Chans, but they are all boys and we would appreciate it if you could keep an eye out for her.

    The Chas


    1. Mes LOVES Sei. She is missing all of yous and is sad that she had to leave. She is well taken care of and much loved by the Rainbow Chans and mes. She and me and Kali is going for catnip tea this afternoon!
      Many Many kisses to all of yous (especially that lovely Genji and Beebs)
      Your Nellie Bellie


  4. I love this quote and the truth it shares! Life is not about collecting things but about love and the memories made when we share with others. Love and memories are the two things that can never be stolen from our hearts. It’s up to us to decide whether we want to store up hurts or happy memories, it’s up to us to embrace letting go.


  5. Hi Nellie, my mentor. I don’t want to be unhappy but I don’t want to be alone with no furry face to talk with. I always had someone with me. At first, my bro and I were together and then Kali. I let mom know when I am unhappy but I am not sad as much. Mom makes a lousy cat but I get giggles cause she tries. Say Hi to Kali for me Nellie.




  6. What a beautiful quote…Nellie. Mom has never had more than one kitty at a time but she has always imagined if she had two there would be lots of saddness when one left for the bridge.
    We are so sorry Shoko is sad.
    Hugs madi and Mom


  7. Our Mama has always believed this quote. That is why she finds it peculiar that some people feel justified in ” lording it” over people they view as having less than them. Nellie, we hope you have had a moment to visit with Mitalee and Esme since their arrival. We miss them so.

    the critters in the cottage xo


  8. You are always so wise with your Sparks Nellie. Give Eric an extra hug, or maybe he would prefer an earwash for me today.


  9. That is a beautiful spark Nellie. I am praying that Shoko feels better soon, I know she will always miss her sister though. XO


  10. N ellie, you are very wise and that Spark was purrfection. Something we need to think about. When the humans are younger, possessions seem to mean a lot to them. Mom says that’s not true for her anymore (in her advanced years). She knows it is about relationships, love and friendship. We know just how much Shoko is hurting. And we know you and Kali will be sending her lots of love from the RB. Please say, “hey” to Lily Olivia and Fiona from us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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