Thankful Thursday

Firstly, I and Mom are furry late…It was Dalton’s Birthday on August 20th. Dalton and Pippo’s Mom make lovely cards to celebrate birthdays and other events and we have received many ourselves. But alas, the week we took off Blogging was Dalton’s Birthday and we missed it! We DID have a card…


I am posting it now because I LOVE them and their Mom and I want Dalton to know that!



There goes the Kia!


Kozmo, Jo Jo and Cinnamon (and Dad) are gone!


I am thankful that I have family but I am also thankful that they have gone to their own home. I bet they are thankful to be out in their yard!

And I am especially thankful that I have my townhouse and food dishes and Mommy to myself.

AND I am thankful for you my furrends! I love visiting you and when you visit me! I am pawticipating in Thankful Thursday at Brian’s. Click their button so you can see all the others who are Thankful! Oh! And he has a give away!!


Prince Marvelous

22 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday

  1. Thanks so much for that card, Marv!
    Dalton loves it! He wonders if he will get to have a birthday with that many candles needed…we all hope so, fur sure!

    Its always good and fun to have company, but then you truly ‘appawsiate’ the peace and quiet (and less work…), when they go back to their own dens!

    We love you too!
    Purrs & Waggles!


  2. Well Marv I guess you got your wish – the company is gone and you and Mom are together again in peace and quiet! You look FABULOUS in your crown and I know that you are happy to be the only kitty on the throne now!

    Love, Teddy


  3. Parting can be bittersweet, I know. Just so long as you all enjoy the time together, and the cherish the memories then you will always be together… of course the plus is you now get your mom to yourself and all the treats they would have had, bar Cinnamon’s of course!
    Yours nicely
    Mrs H.


    1. Oh yes! Ninja is still here! He has his Dad – my human brother. He does not sleep in my bedroom like Kozmo, Jo Jo and Cinnamon and he does not demand my Mommy’s attention like Kozmo, Jo Jo aND Cinnamon. And he is happy they are not eating from his dishes or using his litter box now too. Even though our litter boxes are in the same room, we don’t use the same ones. We are both happy!
      Purrs Marv


  4. That is a lovely card for Dalton.
    It was nice to have company and it will seem quiet now they have gone. At least you still have Ninja to play with during the day when your mom is working.


  5. Wow, Marv, that is one stunning crown. We know it’s nice to have your mommy all to yourself but still have Ninja with you as a playmate. Best of both worlds. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  6. Marv,

    You make us smile so much with your coronet!

    I know,…. I used to wonder why the heck people said it, especially in the Wizard of Oz but she’s right bless her sweet heart.

    There’s no place like home.

    Harvey and the Dash Kitten Crew


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