Selfie Sunday #6

This week, it is just me! Kozmo, Jo Jo and Cinnamon are in Midway, enjoying the hots. It is raining and cold here. But that is OK. It makes sleeping at night easier. It is awfully quiet though, without Kozmo to chase!


I set up the cell phone on a shelf by the bed but trying to push the button and get into place – I got all blurry!


I set the timer…but I forgot to look!!


There! I got it purrfect! I send you all Marvelous Kisses!!!

Yesterday I was at Angel Sammy and Teddy’s blog pawticipating in the annual Bacon Harvest! harvest2017-marvsamyp

Here is Me and Sammy P (from 15 and Meowing) in the greenhouse. I had so very much fun! Thank you!


Did I do OK, Mommy?

Can I have extra treats?

I am participating in The Cat On My Head’s Selfie Sunday!

Please click their badge to go to their blog and see all the other participants!


31 thoughts on “Selfie Sunday #6

  1. Marv! You are really settling in. Go you little guy!

    I am glad you helped with the hard work during the bacon harvest although I think that selfies are hardest of all!!!


  2. Wow, Marv, you did really well with the phone camera and an excellent selfie… I really struggle with mine, and think I may have to sack the peep from the job! MOL
    Toodle-pip and purrs


  3. You look fabulous Marv. Even the blurry picture. I sure understand how hard it is to snap a picture when the time needed to lay down is short.

    The bacon harvest was ever so eatable. Kali and I went with Einstein’s family and loaded up on bacon.



  4. Lookin’ good, Marv! Hey, didya know that three’s the charm (as they say). Three times now we’ve tried to get you by email … and finally it’s worked. YAY! So now we won’t miss anything … good or bad, bitey or not … hugs!


  5. You did GREAT with your selfie, Marv! We sure hope you got those extra treats. Hugs to you and Mommy!


  6. Marv, it sure didn’t take hardly any time at all for you to get the purrfect picture on your selfie!!


  7. Marv you did an EXCELLENT job with your selfie – in fact all the photos are great because we can plainly see you are HAPPY and feeling perky!! I know you and your Mommy are the “perfect couple” and even though you wish you could chase Kozmo, JoJo and Cinni around, they WILL be back and you will be all rested by that time from this visit. We are so happy for you dear friend……oh – and THANK YOU for coming to the bacon harvest – you worked VERY hard and we appreciate it!

    Love, Teddy


  8. Marv, you rock the selfie look – any single girl cat would be swooning… “swoon” I think I fainted from your handsomeness. -Chiquita, a single girl cat. (I am helping Mommy type stuff by getting in her face and purring and stuff… and then I saw your handsomeness dear Marv and I nearly fainted!)


  9. Marvelous, we are thrilled to see you are adjusting well to your new home! We hope your Mama is feeling better now. You put her through an awful ordeal! 😦

    the critters in the cottage xo


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