Friday! Fillins and Felines!

Oh Boy! This is going to be fun! And would you believe my 100th post!

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I will first get to the fillins!!!

1. On New Year’s Eve, I–Marvelous am hoping to see what the Crazy Canadians do, but I bet Mommy is in Bed before midnight.

2. One goal I have for 2018 is to be the best cat EVER!!!

3. In 2017, I accomplished moving from Tehran to Vancouver.

4. I got my forever home in 2017.

AND for Feline Friday…

Kozmo watching Dad watching the plays of the year!!!


Visit Comedy Plus and see all the other felines

And McGuffy’s Reader for the other Fill-ins!

Purrs Jojo, Kozmo and Marv

3 amigos

29 thoughts on “Friday! Fillins and Felines!

  1. That was quite an eventful year for you, Marvelous. That is an ambitious goal for 2018. You three look quite dashing as the three amigos. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  2. Dearest Marv I am finking you ARE the bestest cat Evers and a wonderful furfriend!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


  3. Hari OM
    Marv, those are marvellous fill-ins!!! I sure hope that 2018 proves to be as sparkling for you as your banner – I am certain it will. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx


  4. Marv you and I both got the BESTEST thing EVER in 2017 – our FOREVERS and wonderful Mommies! Wonder what 2018 will bring…………let’s find out OK?

    Love, and Hugs, Teddy


  5. Congrats on 100 posts, Marv! 2017 is the year your life changed around and 2018 will be wonderful for you.


  6. Congrats on 100 posts Marv! Thank you for participating ion the fill-ins, great answers. I hope to be in bed before midnight too. 🙂 Have a great weekend! XO


  7. What a great year, Marvelous! We are super glad you moved from Tehran to Canada, and that you and Mommy are our friends!


  8. Your 100th post!? That is awesome! You have had one amazing year, Marv. I thought it was a big deal for me to travel from Los Angeles to Vancouver, but you totally have me beat on that, coming from Tehran!


  9. Hi Marv!
    This comment is from the Beauteous Katie Isabella…but mes thinks she mostly is talking to Kozmo!

    Marv, sending my hope for a brand new successful year fulfilling your dream and Kozmo…wowzer. You are a heckuva handsome mancat. Wanna smooch on New Years Eve at midnight with me?
    Your Queen


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