Versatile Blogger Award AND Friday Fill-ins

Adventures in Cheeseland

Last week, Adventures in Cheeseland (the above picture is from their blog) nominated me – Marvelous for the Vesatile Blogger Award!


Now Nellie had a million zillion awards!

I believe she was given every single one at least 3 times and she LOVED getting them! I know I do too! Awards are special. They tell the recipient that the giver thinks they are significant.

Thank you for Nominating Me Adventures in Cheeseland! (Step 1: is to say who nominated you.)

Step 2: List 7 interesting facts about yourself.

  1. I am a Persian Tabby! (No I don’t have long hair).
  2. I SMILE! (Mommy says she never had a cat who smiles as much as me)
  3. I am afraid of people. When the doorbell rings I go and hide in my sanctuary (the top shelf of Mom’s closet).
  4. I LOVE food! I will eat all kinds of things that cats don’t normally like (I don’t like sweet stuff though).
  5. I learned to get along with my dog sister Cinnamon. I actually let her sniff my butt 2 days before she went home.
  6. I like to play fetch–but only when I want to.
  7. I am a cuddler. I even like to crawl under the covers with Mom  (and Ratty).

Step 3: Nominate 15 blogs to receive this award.

Hmmmmmm…15 is not enough! I am giving it to ALL OF YOU!!! If you would like MY Versatile Blogger Award, please feel free to take it!

VBA copy

Step 4: Notify the recipients that you have nominated them. There I just have!!!

Now we are doing the Friday Fill-ins!!!
We do not do this as often as I would like


15andmeowing, and McGuffy’s Reader provide Friendly Fill-In statements. And Fridays we all link up on McGuffy’s Blog! This week the questions are:

1. Before you attack your human’s feet, you need to make sure you can dodge those feet or their butt in case they fall.

2. After I help Mom eat her supper, I have a snooze before we go to bed.

3. Winter is still happening where Kozmo, Jo Jo and Dad live.

4. Spring is happening right outside our townhouse! Look at these crocuses!


AND We are part of Feline Friday at Comedy Plus!




24 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award AND Friday Fill-ins

    1. gorgeous and I love your smile. x Sorry I pressed the send button to soon. Hugs and Purrs.x


  1. concats to that fab award!!! and I agree with you before we attack humanoid paws we have to make sure that everything is well prepared for a crashlanding…. and I wonder why the mama is miffed when I throw pillows on da floor… it#s fur her security LOL


  2. YAY for you dear Marv! Concats on the award….you will have as big a collection as Angel Nellie before you know it. You most definitely have the BEST SMILE ever – we agree. Attacking feet can be fun as long as they are under blankies or covers so we don’t ACCIDENTALLY scratch those human feets! They get cranky if we do that!

    Love, Teddy


  3. Congrats on winning that award Marv. We accept the award from you and thank you so much for giving it to us. Marv, you do deserve that award. You have come such a long ways in more ways than one.You all have a fantastic day.


  4. Congrats on the nice award Marv! Your smile always makes all of us smile. Hey, I don’t like the doorbell either, it’s scary!


  5. Congrats on your well deserved award Marv. Nice to learn more about you. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Good tip in #1 🙂 Very nice crocuses too. Have a nice weekend! XO


  6. You’re such a handsome cat and I learned a lot more about you today. You’re such a good cat and your mom is ever grateful for you. I can tell.

    Congratulations on your newest award.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. My best to your mom. ♥


  7. Great fill ins Marv
    you do have the most gorgeous SMILE!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


  8. Concatulations on your very special Versatile award, sweet boy. We have it already, but we haven’t seen this one ever before…and you give it away?…MOUSES! We love your picture holding the award, very cute 🙂 Now enjoy your famousness and see you later ❤ Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend 🙂 ❤


  9. Congrats on your award, Marv! Don’t tell anybuddy, but I’m kinda afraid of people too. When people come to our house, I run and hide. ~Ernie


  10. Concats on the award, Marv. We have #3 and 4 in common. I don’t like people and love Chinese and Mexican food. Those certainly aren’t foods cats normally eat. Your fill-in #1 is right on!


  11. Marv, congratulations! And you sure DO smile a lot. I love seeing it. I think you are the only mancat I have ever seen so genial. Our daffodils and crocus are up and crabapple blossoms and tulip poplar blossoms. That will hold us till the warms get here. XXX


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