Selfie Sunday #4

What a week!

Thursday evening Daddy, Kozmo, Jo Jo and Cinnamon came back to my townhouse!

I, Marvelous have been having great fun chasing (and terrorizing) Komo and Jo Jo up and down the stairs after the parents go to bed! Kozmo has a very loud growl and MMMEEERRRROOOWWW!

Mommy and Daddy do not seem to appreciate my exhibiting my authority!

I, however, believe I am KING of my Castle!

Selfie Sunday 9-17

Daddy took a shot of Kozmo when he told him he was coming to Vancouver


I think he is saying NNNoooooooooOOOOoooooo!!!

And a shot of Jo Jo


She was trying to eat her breakfast before the journey.

And Ever ready Cinnamon!

GE DIGITAL CAMERAAre you packed yet Daddy?

We are participating in The Cat On My Head’s Selfie Sunday! Please click their badge to go to their blog and see all the other participants!

This week they are Celebrating Allie and Raz’s Daddy who went over the bridge this week. We are so very sad and send Alie Raz and their Mommy all our love and strength!



25 thoughts on “Selfie Sunday #4

  1. Oh boy! Marvelous I love your up close selfie……….so is the family visiting for a short or long while Marv?? I know you get along with all of them which is MARVELOUS…..(wink) !!

    Love, Teddy


  2. Marv, sure looks like you are taking control. Better be nice to your siblings, so to speak. Love that picture of you. You all have a great evening.


  3. Marv, your courtly manners to we Ladycats are enough to make us swoon. Your courtly manners to the mancats out in the CB as well, are to be envied. I have read your comments. You could be a Sultan you are so diplomatic. To the CB that is. Could you give some thought to trying them on Kozmo and JoJo? You might be surprised at a good result. AND your mommy could stand a break, know what I mean? XXXX


  4. Marvelous, you have absolutely the best smile! Our mom is sending Mom Barb lots and lots of prayers
    (we send POTP and purrs) that she can clear up the bone infection. It must be very painful. Please stay on your best behavior. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy p.s. Thanks for hopping!


  5. Hi Mark. Sounds like you been finding your feet in your new pad. I find the only guests worth chasing are the mice…. way more fun and don’t bite back and also very quiet MOL
    Hope your mom and guests all got a good nights sleep.
    Toodle-pip and purrs
    PS I do hope your mom has recovered from your “Love bite”?


  6. Great fotos Marv. Glad you’re havin’ fun with your fursibs. Fur some reason humans don’t care to be awakened from a deep sleep. But, they think it’s purrfectly alright to do it to us and dat we should be amenable to whatever. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


  7. Marv, you are a marvel indeed! And I hope you let your mommy have at least some sleep…


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